tour of the camp


The Maistri Marpurgi clan was born in 861 CE in a small village next to a river, that would one day grow and became Maribor. You can learn more about those days of yore here - The Saga of Maister Björn of Marpurg. After a few centuries the clan was unfortunately lost in the tides of history. But in 2016 Maistri Marpurgi were reborn. The dust of a millenia was swept from the old banner, the swords were forged anew, and the ancient songs were sung again.

Today we are an infamous Viking group of handcraftsmen, tradesmen and warriors from all over Slovenia. Our seat of power is in Maribor. With the help of the traditions and teachings of our Viking ancestors, we are engaged in the manufacture of tools, weapons, jewelry, wooden and glass products and other objects inspired by old handcraft techniques and secrets of the profession. Among us are skilled herbalists and shamans, guardians of our health, and we especially like to brew medicinal concoctions. The whole camp is well taken care of by our master chefs who make sure we eat like jarls every day.

Visitors can come by our interactive camp, where they can find wooden medieval games for children (as well as adults), blacksmiths, carvers, knitters, seamstresses, tailors, herbalists, brewers, tanners, glaziers, shamans, musicians, cooks and many other artisans. With us you can learn some of the secrets of the profession and old craft traditions.

visit us in our camp and become a Viking for a day!


Maistri Marpurgi are raiding under the renewed coat of arms. At first glance, it may look similar to the old one, but it has several important innovations.

On our coat of arms we see a round Norse shield, which has the colours of the Maribor coat of arms, i.e. white and red. In the middle of the shield, we find two runes, which are an abbreviation of our name. On the sides there are symbols of four of the many handicrafts that can be found in our camp. There are two Viking-era axes behind the shield. The grapes on the vine in the background are blue, just like “modra kavčina“, which is the grape variety of Maribor's Old Vine, officially the oldest vine in the world, that is nearly half a millennia old.

Just as Brokkr and Eitri are unbeatable blacksmiths, so is Tomas Verlič an unbeatable illustrator. Just look at the masterpiece he created for us:


How our old Coat of Arms looked like



Our motto

At first, we used the Latin term "Mater artium necessitas!", which means "Necessity is the mother of invention/art," since we are world-renowned for our improvisation skills in times of need. With the association’s new orientation to the early Middle ages and a new coat of arms, we have also adopted a new motto. It still has the same message, but is now written in the Younger Futhark runes and is shouted at festivals in old Norse language.

The motto of Maistri Marpurgi is:

ᚾᛅᚢᚦᛁᚾ ᚴᛁᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚾᛅᚴᛏᚱᛁ ᚴᚢᚾᚢ ᛅᚦ ᛋᛒᛁᚾᚾᛅ

In the Latin alphabet this would read as:

Nauðin kennir naktri konu að spinna.


Need teaches a naked woman to spin (wool).

Pohod skozi naš tabor


Klan Maistri Marpurgi je nastal leta 861 n. št. v majhni vasici ob reki, ki bo nekoč zrasla in postala Maribor. Več o tistih časih lahko izveste tukaj - Saga o Maistru Björnu iz Marpurga. Po nekaj stoletjih se je klan žal izgubil v tokovih zgodovine. Toda leta 2016 so se Maistri Marpurgi ponovno prebudili. Prah tisočletij je bil pometen s starega praporja, meči so bili na novo skovani in starodavne pesmi so ponovno zapele.

Danes smo zloglasna vikinška skupina rokodelcev, trgovcev in bojevnikov iz vse Slovenije. Naš sedež je v Mariboru. S pomočjo izročila in naukov naših vikinških prednikov se ukvarjamo z izdelavo orodij, orožja, nakita, lesenih in steklenih izdelkov ter drugih predmetov po navdihu starih rokodelskih tehnik in skrivnosti stroke. Med nami so vešči zeliščarji in šamani, varuhi našega zdravja, še posebej radi pa kuhamo zdravilne zvarke. Za celoten tabor dobro skrbijo naši kuharski mojstri, ki vsak dan poskrbijo, da jemo kot pravi Jarli (kralji).

Obiskovalci lahko pridejo v naš interaktiven tabor, kjer lahko najdejo lesena srednjeveška igrala za otroke (pa tudi odrasle), kovače, rezbarje, pletilce, šivilje, krojače, zeliščarje, pivovarje, usnjarje, steklarje, šamane, glasbenike, kuharje in mnoge druge obrtnike. Pri nas lahko spoznate skrivnosti starodavne stroke in starih obrtniških običajev.

Obiščite nas v našem taboru in za en dan postanite Viking!