We have ordered our stonecarvers, to erect runestones
with the names of our glorious supporters!
This is a time and patience consuming task
so instead of real runestones we’ll list their names here

<<< Thralls >>>

-> the huntsman <-
-> Jure Koprčina <-
-> nemod <-

-> Roberto Venerdi <-

☠ Mayne ☠

<<< Karls >>>

☠ Uppåkra merchant ☠

<<< Jarls >>>

☠ jarless of falkirk ☠

<<< Kings / Queens >>>

-> zibi <-
-> Mesek Medo <-

☠ the traveler ☠

☠ means that the patron has fallen in battle BUT will still be remembered for all eternity!

Our other brothers & sisters in arms that support us: