This season is phenomenal! All the northern outposts are bursting at the seams and just crying out for looting! So the Maisters returned home, only to unload the acquired (and liberated) goods, load up on new trade items and new barrels of mead, and head back north. We have just visited Denmark, Germany and Poland, but now we are going to the tried-and-true Norway, which we have already gotten to know and conquered well in previous seasons. This time only one ship is going to norvegian Borre (the rest of the team still has to count and weigh the looted silver and jewelry), but don't worry - we firmly believe that they will be just as successful as in the previous years. Besides, it's quite possible that we will take their most beautiful ship from the Norwegians and take it for ourselves. This year's looting and conquering season is indeed very successful. Stay tuned!
Letošnja sezona je fenomenalna! Vse severne postojanke pokajo po šivih in kar kličejo po zavzetju! Zato smo se Maistri vrnili domov, samo da razložimo nabavljeno (in osvobojeno) blago, naložimo nove artikle za trgovanje in nove sode medice in se podamo nazaj na sever. Dansko, Nemčijo in Poljsko smo ravnokar obiskali, zdaj pa gremo v preverjeno Norveško, ki smo jo v preteklih sezonah že dodobra spoznali in osvojili. Tokrat gre v norveški Borre zgolj ena ladja (preostanek ekipe mora še prešteti in stehtati naropano srebro in nakit), vendar brez skrbi – trdno verjamemo, da bodo enako uspešni kot minula leta. Poleg tega se čisto lahko pripeti, da bomo od Norvežanov prevzeli njihovo najlepšo ladjo in jo vzeli zase. Letošnja sezona ropanja in osvajanja je res zelo uspešna. Spremljajte še naprej!
Thumbnail foto: Tveiten Fotografi